Your Debt Assist assists businesses and individuals solve problems. We may have a unique solution for you.

Canadians who are looking to maximize their credit position and financial health use Your Debt Assist.

We provide information and potential options across many subject matter areas. We leverage our relationships with creditors to make the best deal for you and the people or companies you owe money. There is a contact form on the site for you to share your debt story in confidence. We will never ask for personal information or share your information without your permission. 

Businesses that have issues and need a partner to assist in negotiating more favourable positions and a path forward use Your Debt Assist.

We provide information and potential options across many subject matter areas. We do restructuring with creditors or debt recovery conversations with difficult customers who have transitioned to tough accounts receivable. 

For more information on “Ethical Collections” and how we can help your business click the icon below:

Your Debt Assist takes into account what is best for your business, the person who owes you money and allows for the recovery process forward to be clear, dignified and expeditious. We provide results-oriented service that only cost our clients if we are successful.


Your Debt Assist Inc. is not a licensed credit counsellor, insolvency trustee, investment advisor or financial planner. Our staff and founder does not hold a degree or financial experience other than 15 years in debt collections, insolvencies and estates with a major financial institution. We do not provide legal services or advice. We are not members of any association or organization and as such are not bound by any codes of conduct or restrictions on the services and types of solutions we may propose and assist you in implementing. We have experience in real estate default proceedings, federal court decision review and tax audit processes in addition to banking and recovery knowledge. We will never charge any up front fees or provide any warranty for the advice or support we provide however the results will be satisfying. A referral from a satisfied client and a small commission upon successful completion of our work is the only reward needed.